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Monday, April 5, 2010

AJAX Contact Form Validation with CAPTCHA



                   In this post, i given the slim contact form with captcha validation. All the validations will be realtime and also using php in back-end. There is a option of changing the captcha verification also.


  •  Real Time Form Validation. 
  • Powerful CAPTCHA (option to enable/disable it)
  •  Errors and Notifications Can Be Changed Easily.
  • Compatible In All Major Browsers.



websathish Do you have any suggestions? Add your comment. Please don't spam!
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Count Suckula said...

Why didn't you just include a page with the script integrated so we could see it all set up with a dummy email address? The instructions are not completely clear when you write:

3) Basic Configuration:
* set the email where you want to receive the messages

define("WEBMASTER_EMAIL", 'yourname@yourdomain.com');

* Do you want to send an automatic email to the users who filled the form notifying him that the message was successfully sent? Set to 'true'

define('AUTO_RESPONDER', true);

* Set the mandatory fields (1 - required; 0 - optional) - all are required by default

'sender_email' => 1,
'sender_subject' => 1,
'sender_message' => 1);

because we can't see an example of how define('AUTO_RESPONDER', true); is set up on a page. Where is it? Within php tags?

This is a demo without a demo. Finish the demo with an working example. Why waste all that hard work?

Count Suckula said...

Hey, I realized that the demo is contact-script.php after I wrote that and was able to get it to work easily.

Only problem now is that when I click the button, it sends the email, but it does trigger the "message sent" part of the init.js within the .notification-ok div. Any idea why that is not happening? I tried Firefox and Chrome browsers.

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